Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Catching Up

Well, lot's been happening. I did pass my State exam with flying colors.
I made an 88% on written exam, and (this is unbelievable to me!)
only missed one on my Skills Test (I didn't transport dirty linen correctly)
I was so afraid I had failed that I would not go online to check my scores.
Kerry had to do it for me!
I now have a job working at a Skills & Rehab Training Facility working with developmentally handicapped individuals. There is a lot of training with this job (almost like I'm back in school).
As I speak the weather is great, but it has been sooo rainey for the last couple of weeks. I about went stir crazy.
Kerry has been working a lot doing some specialty carpentry work; building a deck for his brother and working on some things for a friend of his who has just opened a Bar and Grill. It's funny, I have been helping him load lumber, shoot the nail gun, level things off etc...and have had a ball. I have learned a lot.
Oh yeah, Kerry and I were involved in a wreck Oct 4th when this young girl hit us broadside on the passenger side of the truck. Luckily, we weren't seriously injured.
She was driving on a revoked license and had no insurance. Only 17 years old too.
Well, will keep you posted.
Until next time!